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Promoting Capital Market Literacy in Ethiopia

The Ethiopian Securities Exchange is in the Horizon

We Provide Hands-On Trainings on Securities Exchange and How It Works

The African Capital Markets in Number

Johannesburg Stock Exchange is the largest stock exchange in Africa.

Its market capitalization is more than 1 trillion USD (it is excluded from the first graph below as an outlier).

It was established in 1887.

There are four more stock exchanges in South Africa.

The oldest stock exchange in Africa is Egyptian Exchange which was established in 1883.

The oldest stock exchange in East Africa is the Nairobi Securities Exchange which was established in 1954.

The biggest stock exchange in the world is the New York Stock Exchange whose market capitalization is more than 22.9 trillion USD.

When established, the Ethiopian Securities Exchange will become the 30th stock exchange in Africa.

The Ethiopian Securities Exchange

(Coming Soon)

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